re-male-d (2012)
RE-MALE-D was an audio-visual performance at Battersea Arts Centre commissioned by London Drawing. It was a stage show that presented Philip’s constructions of masculinity through sculpture, clay and music.
RE-MALE-D comprised of two acts. In Act One, Philip created a series of body images and silhouettes in response to his sculptures. The contrast of masculine and feminine qualities within the performance was further enhanced by an accompaniment of live music performed by pianist and drummer James Field.
Act Two was a new version of Philip’s live-making performance ‘Untitled (Bodies)’, first performed in 2009. ‘Untitled (Bodies)’ is a ritualistic transformation re-modifying the body's appearance into a re-visioned new entity using raw clay and cling film – a material used symbolically to keep the raw clay fresh and alive. It forms a ritualistic procedure where clay is moulded onto the body, deconstructing and reconstructing its shape and presenting the male body as a new entity. The clay acts as cells and the cling film as skin, representing the lengths we go to in order to construct our own personal image and identity. In contrast to earlier performances, Philip performed as ‘The Sculptor’ with dancer Erik Nevin taking the role of ‘The Sculpture’.