a manifestation of a simple gesture (2011)

'A Manifestation of A Simple Gesture' (2011), pictured above, was made out of hundreds of hand-rolled clay balls that were fired and fused together to create this graphic and textural sculpture. The sculpture acts as evidence of a performative process. Each ball was hand-rolled representing the most simplest creative gesture in clay. By placing a tiny bit of clay between both palms, the artist brings their hands together in a prayer-like stance. This motion fascinated Philip and was a performative action that linked artistic gesture with faith and philosophy.

It was an action that had inspired Philip to make many sculptures, from his transitory costumes for Big Odd, to a special body-sculpture exploring his relationship with Catholicism. Frustrated with the lack of support for LGBTQ+ rights within the religion, Philip created the body-sculpture to wear on a protest march when the Pope was visiting England in 2010. Each bead was unfired hand-rolled clay - painstakingly put together, and breathtakingly fragile. For Philip, it highlighted the efforts placed into faith, creating a ideology to live by, that could crumble away at any moment.

It was during an artist-in-residence position at Camberwell College of Arts, that Philip created ‘'A Manifestation of A Simple Gesture'. He invited students to help contribute to the prayers and actions to create hundreds of tiny clay balls. The clay that was used was red earthenware which is conventionally fired to 1080 degrees celsius. However, Philip decided to push this further and fired the balls in reduction at 1140 degrees celsius in order to push the material to its maximum potential. In doing so, the firing transformed the colour of the earthenware, from a red into a deep shade of metallic black. It enhanced the material’s innate qualities and completely reinvented its appearance into a new entity.

'A Manifestation of A Simple Gesture' demonstrated that even the simplest gestures have an effect. When many of these tiny actions are put together, great transformations can happen. Furthermore, when pushed to its limits at melting point, when possibilities could either make or break a person, miracles can happen and things can change for the better.

This optimistic sculpture was created in the climate of heated politics surrounding education cuts and reforms within the arts, and the ongoing protests for student rights against fees and course closures. Such work demonstrated the need for collective work and optimism, which resonated with the students at the time. It was then exhibited in SHALL/WILL, Camberwell Space, London (2011) alongside artists like Jonathan Baldock and Robert Pratt.

These instructions were printed in the gallery for viewers at the exhibition .


1. Go back to the drawing board.
2. Form a gesture of hope, a prayer for the future.
3. Earth Fondler.
4. The Appropriation of Process as Ritual.
5. Create a circle in 3D. With two hands, apply even pressure in a constant motion of circles.
6. Result: the simplest gesture in clay. Balls, balls, balls.
7. Repeat as desired or possible, with one pair of hands (or preferably more).
8. Push a gesture to its material and philosophical limits.
9. Reduce. Extract oxygen. Go past the melting point.
10. Carbon Black.
11. Transform. Evolve. Construct. Multiply.
12. A Manifestation of A Simple Gesture.




cell composition