untitled (bodies) (2009)

"Untitled (Bodies)" continues the exploration of live-making that Philip first started while studying at Camberwell College of Arts with his piece, “Untitled (Homage To Boy)”. Bodies is a ritualistic transformation re-modifying the body's appearance into a revisioned new entity using raw clay and cling film. Cling film is a material used symbolically to keep the raw clay fresh and alive. It forms a ritualistic procedure where clay is moulded onto the body like muscular tissue, deconstructing and reconstructing its shape and presenting the male body as a new entity. The clay acted as cells and the cling film as skin, representing the lengths we go to in order to construct our own personal image and identity.

"(Untitled) Bodies" was first performed live at "Towards A Fluid State" in London, 2009. Philip further explored the relationship between ceramics and its imagery in a special collaboration with Whatelse Magazine. For this, he created a live-making performance film and captured a unique set of documentation photographs that was first shown via an iPhone application.

Film: Andras Ridovics
Editing: Boldizsar Csernak-Risko
Soundscape: Philip Li, Chris King
Hair: Yusuke Ukai
Make-up: Amber Lee
Artist's assistant: Thomas Robinson


a broken part

